Hide Newsfeed, OneDrive and/or Sites from the Waffle for SharePoint 2016
Here’s a quick little snippet of CSS if you are trying to hide the Newsfeed, OneDrive or…
Visual Studio Code Productivity Tips & Favorite Extensions
Over the course of the past 6 months I’ve found myself using Visual Studio Code as my…
Built-in Helper Classes Inside Office 365 & SharePoint 2013
There are a number of already built in helper (or utility) classes in Office 365 and SharePoint…
Hijack SharePoint’s Built-in Full Width Background Image
You may or may not already know that SharePoint has the ability to do full width background…
SharePoint Framework Developer Preview Release – Where do I begin?
This is an exciting time! The much anticipated SharePoint Framework Preview was released yesterday. And guess what…
Change Default SharePoint Site Logo CSS Trick – Great for Office 365!
I was just thinking about this issue one day and realized that I could just override the…
Hide Newsfeed, OneDrive and/or Sites from the Suite Bar – Ribbon Area for SharePoint 2013
It really is super simple and requires I line of CSS per item. If you want to…
Hiding People from People Search
Introduction This all started as a request from a client to hide only certain users from the…
Bootstrap Navigation for Office 365 & SharePoint 2013 using jQuery and REST
Introduction In my last post I talked about making the SharePoint navigation render in a Bootstrap friendly…
Bootstrap Responsive Navigation in SharePoint
Updated 10-5-2016: Included link to javascript version of bootstrap navigation Updated the navigation code to detect in…
Office 365 Icons
Introduction I recently came across an interesting blog – http://www.n8d.at/blog/office-365-icon-font-documentation/ which mentions O365 icons. This was back…